Sunday, April 18, 2010

Malaria treatment using Grapefruit

Grapefruit is one of the most effective home remedies for malaria. It should be taken daily. It contains a natural quinine-like substance which can be extracted from the fruit by boiling a quarter of a grapefruit and straining its pulp.

Malaria treatment using Fever Nut

The seeds of the fever nut plant are another effective remedy for malaria. They can be obtained from a herbal store and preserved in a phial for use when required. About six grams of these seeds should be given with a cup of water two hours before the expected onset of the paroxysm of fever, and a second dose should be given one hour after the attack. The paroxysm can thus be avoided but even if it occurs, the same procedure should be resorted to on that day and it will cut short the fever.

Malaria treatment using Datura

The leaves of the datura plant are useful in the tertian type of malarial fever. About two and a half freshly-sprouted leaves of this plant should be made into a pill by rubbing them with jaggery and administered two hours before the onset of the paroxysm.

Malaria is one of the most widespread diseases in the world, especially in tropical and subtropical regions.

Malaria symptoms

High fever accompanied by chills, headache, shivering.

There are three main types of malaria, depending upon the parasites which cause it. They are tertian fever, quartan fever and malignant tertian malaria. The most common symptom of all types of malaria is high fever, which may occur every day, on alternate days, or every fourth day. The fever is accompanied by chills, headache, shivering, and pain in the limbs. The temperature comes down after some time with profuse sweating.

Causes of Blocked Milk Duct

There are many reasons why the milk ducts may become clogged. However the primary reason is that the milk is not able to drain entirely. This usually happens because of ill fitting bras or extremely tight clothes. Incomplete feedings or skipping feedings frequently may also cause the milk ducts to get clogged. If you have been using a breast pump to pump out milk, an inadequate machine may also cause an infection. Other causes include stress, illnesses such as colds and infections, and malnutrition. If the blockage in the milk ducts is not addressed immediately, it may cause a severe infection in the breasts.

Home Remedies for Blocked Milk Duct

The most important thing to follow is to make sure that you nurse your baby frequently. In order to empty the breast completely, this is extremely essential. If you breastfeed your baby often, it can help increase comfort and reduce the inflammation. The sore area should also be massaged frequently. Massage the breast firmly after every feeding. To massage it effectively, start from the top of the breast and gently work your way towards the nipple area. You can also try applying a slightly warm compress to the breast before breastfeeding. This helps in ensuring that the entire milk is drained out during the feeding and there is no clogging of the ducts.

When a woman begins to lactate, the milk ducts in the breasts become active and transport the milk from the mammary glands to the nipples. If, for some reason, these ducts get clogged, the flow of milk gets blocked and the breasts become tender, inflamed and sore.

Symptoms of Blocked Milk Duct

A blocked or plugged milk duct can be very painful for some women. The initial sign of such a blockage is the presence of a small and hard lump in the breast. This lump can be felt when you touch the breast. This spot is sore and may be very tender to the touch. There may be inflammation and redness on the breast too. If the blockage has persisted for some time, you may experience aches in the body. Along with general malaise, you may even feel feverish and may have sore in the chest. This is usually a sign of infection running in the clogged duct.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

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